Project List

Pacific Materials Laboratory, Inc. has provided geotechnical engineering, construction deputy inspection and construction materials testing on literally thousands of local projects spanning from 1963 to the present. The foregoing is only a sampling of services provided to date. Additional references available upon request.
- Amgen - Amgen Center multiple buildings, Thousand Oaks, CA
- Anchor Properties - Numerous commercial and residential tracts, Ventura, CA
- Benton, Orr, Duval & Buckingham - legal expert witness for multiple projects
- Big Sky Ranch, Simi Valley, CA - Preliminary Fault Study
- Blue Mountain Homes, Bradley Road large landslide, Somis, CA
- Bob McKean Construction - Carmen Drive offramp, Camarillo, CA
- Casa Pacifica - Children's Crisis Care Center, Camarillo, CA
- Cities of Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center, Civic Center/Library
- City of Camarillo - multiple street projects, sewer pumping improvement, police building, City Hall
- City of Moorpark - Villa Campesina Park, Arroyo Vista Community Center and Metrolink Station
- City of Oxnard - multiple street projects and water main replacements
- City of Simi Valley - Boys and Girls Club, Police Facility, Senior Concerns Center and City Hall
- Community Memorial Hospital, Ventura, CA - Cardiac surgery remodel, bridge addition
- County of Ventura - Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
- County of Ventura Public Works, Transportation Department, Repavement multiple County roads
- Gregory B. Bragg & Associates - legal expert witness for multiple projects
- Granite Construction - Lemonwood Industrial, Santa Paula, CA
- Habitat for Humanity - Camarillo single family residence
- Honda Dealership, Santa Paula, CA
- JBR Development - multiple residential tracts, Ventura County, CA
- Jonathan Miller Law Firm - legal expert witness for multiple projects
- Ladin Lincoln Mercury Dealership , Thousand Oaks, CA
- Law Offices of Joseph Liebman - legal expert witness for multiple projects
- Management Solutions - Ventura Seaview Hills Condominiums
- Moorpark School District- Mountain Meadows School
- Morrison-Fountainwood-Agoura - multiple residential tracts, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties
- Nordman, Cormany, Hair & Compton - legal expert witness for multiple projects
- Oxnard School District - multiple campuses
- Oxnard Union High School District - multiple campuses
- Pleasant Valley Hospital - multiple campus buildings
- Premier Homes - Tract 4476, Simi Valley, CA
- Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District - multiple park sites
- Sespe Creek Ranch, Ojai area of Ventura County, New Buildings, septic system, and all weather road access
- Seventh Day Adventist - Conference Headquarters, Newbury Park Campus, Senior Citizens Housing
- Silver Star Automotive - Cadillac/SAAB Dealerships - Thousand Oaks, CA
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Thousand Oaks Multi Ward Building, Simi Valley Ward
- Topa Management - Mercedes, Jaguar, Mazda and other dealerships, Thousand Oaks, CA
- U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service - Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa Islands
- Ventura County Superintendent of Schools - Administration Office Facility/Conference Center
- Ventura County Transportation Commission - Camarillo Metrolink Station